Friday, October 9, 2009
Obama Wins 2009 Nobel Peace Prize
At Least 80 Killed as US Drones Attack South Waziristan Funeral Procession In other news, the Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded to a man who set fire to a library and then promised to write a book about it. Labels: hope change and cluster bombs, reductio creep, running the world, warnography
posted by the Medium Lobster at 9:46 AM
otoh - is sure is nice not being hated by the entire world like when we had that spoiled brat, petulant, ivy league pretend Texan in the White House.
sure is nice not being hated by the entire world like when we had that spoiled brat, petulant, ivy league pretend Texan in the White House
The rest of the world - that is, Africa, Latin America, and the rest of the developing world - still hates us, and has always hated us, and with good reason. It was only ever Europe who lost some vague sense of rich-country camaraderie for the United States under Bush.
I once won the Purlitzer by being an excellent journalist!
(OK, maybe there's a few too many levels of ironic inversion in that.)
Hahaha! What a joke! The Norwegians will announce their real winner Monday morning... right? This is just a joke, right? Right?!
HTP says, "This is a slap in the face to John McCain!"
That would be reason enough to award it. But it seems that it was a slap in the face to all the Lenino-anarchists calling themselves "conservatives." So, it's reason enough times about twenty million. --Charles
Except for Teddy Roosevelt, it's always Democrats winning the NPP which of course proves that the NPP is a commonust plot, probably hatched in France.
Barack Obama is an opposition leader who restored the rule of law and set about reintegrating his country into the family of nations. If he did this in any third world country none of the wingers would be questioning his qualifications for the Nobel Peace Prize. However, the fact that he did it in the nation with the most powerful standing military force and the greatest nuclear arsenal in the world makes the achievement thousands of times more important and powerful.
Barack Obama is an opposition leader who restored the rule of law and set about reintegrating his country into the family of nations
Restored the rule of law to where? Obama has ordered the doubling of our torture camp at Bagram air base, a torture camp already twice the size of Guantanamo. He has maintained that prisoners held there have no rights whatsoever. He has also maintained that the rights of prisoners at Guantanamo are not being violated, a laughable piece of propaganda which was denounced by Amnesty International. He has endorsed the permanent extension of the Patriot Act, and has taken control of George Bush's illegal, unconstitutional domestic surveillance apparatus. He has continued and embraced the practice of extraordinary rendition. He has expanded powers of presidential secrecy beyond those claimed by Bush. He has refused to even discuss prosecuting major war criminals of the previous administration. He has escalated the wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan, where he routinely sends a fleet of flying death robots to blow up villages of children. What about this signifies "the rule of law" to you?
"He has expanded powers of presidential secrecy beyond those claimed by Bush."
This statement is proof positive that the author has Obama derangement syndrome. For more examples check out Rachel Maddow's commentary. It is spot on. stras - want some cheese with your Whiiiiiiiine? Obama won. The black guy's your president. Wingers need to just f*ckin get over it.
Susan, you're an idiot. People who complain about Obama's continuation and extension of Bush-era policies aren't wingers - they're leftists. As opposed to being liberals, Dembots and other species of rightist.
The real absurdity in giving Obama the Peace Prize isn't the short and ineffectual time he's been President; it's because he's an imperialist warmonger just like his predecessor. Feel free to sod off and take your embarrassingly infantile cult of personality with you.
I was wondering how long it would take before we were offered insightful commentary by, in this case, 'Kentucky Yellow Pages' and the 'State of Kansas.' I've decided, btw, that bots that can overcome word verification challenges are less disturbing than zombiefied Obama cultists, like our friend Susan, above.
Dear Fafnir, Giblets and the Medium Lobster (if those are really your names) : Never. Stop. Writing. This. Blog.
sure is nice not being hated by the entire [scared spitless] world like when we had that spoiled brat, petulant, ivy league pretend Texan [ who babbled wistfully about Armageddon and kept his finger on the Big Red Button. ]
So the leftists call him a fascist and the fascists call him a socialist while the liberals hope maybe he has something in common with them. Winning a prize for Not Being Bush kinda parallels our last presidential election. And if it's good enough for the USA it's gotta be good enough for the rest of the world!
But, seriously: those Swedes are a clever nation. Name the last time a Swedish toddler was obliterated by a U.S. military drone.
It's all relative my man, or my crustacean, whatever the case may be. 80 dead is peaceful or will seem so as the numbers of killed rises to the 7 to 8 figures in that region. Most of who won't handily be going to the cemetery already. On the other hand nukes make that sort of irrelevant.
It's an open secret that the Nobel is sometimes awarded for hawtness.
Then why didn't they pick Morgan Tsvangirai? Or the Cluster Munitions Coalition? Schwing! *touches Cluster Munitions Coalition and makes sound like steam* |
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