Sunday, June 1, 2008
So now everybody's all "oh, Hillary Clinton can't win the nomination" and "oh, Hillary Clinton can't be president" and "oh, Hillary Clinton, haven't they sedated her yet." Well that's just talking crazy talk! There's tons a stuff that can happen between now and the convention to make Hillary Clinton the nominee, so you just cheer up, Hillary Clinton people! Here's just a few of the many electoral scenarios that could make Hillary Clinton the next president of the United States.
Labels: fuck you '08
posted by fafnir at 9:59 AM
Actual footage of Hillary and her advisors preparing for the final option:
That's giant pill bugs wearing shoes tho. 'Cause they all gotta go to the beach an get san inna shoes.
(Never On A Sunday)
What's everyone got against giant pill bugs all a sudden? And more importantly, what have the giant pill bugs got against our future president?
Diced democrats Pie!
Served up for post memorial celebration day by the candidate who aided and abetted Bush in creating even MORE war dead to honor! Whoopee! - declare yourself the winner before anything even begins (for example say it will be over on February 5th) - when the upstart ni... oops, African American gentleman begins getting more votes than you, dismiss him as just "the black candidate", like Jesse - wink-wink-nod-nod to all of the racists out there and make sure they know that if they don't vote for you that the uppity (I mean elite) scary black man might (gasp) win and become president - broadly hint that said black man is also a scary MUSLIM by saying, well, he's not "as far as I know" - Blow every misstep and wrong phrasing of your opponent out of proportion and repeat how "unelectable" it makes him over, and over, and over ... , but cry foul and say the boys are picking on you when anyone does the same to you - claim you are a strong feminist, but pander to sexists by slowing you have bigger balls than most men (but keep crying foul when the boys actually call you to task like they would a man) - Loan yourself millions and millions and stiff vendors for millions and millions more running up incredible debt all the while claiming to be the best person possible to run this country at a time of immense economic upheaval (you can just do it with mirrors - yeah that'll work) - Pretend you and the people running your campaign had nothing to do with the decision to not count MI and FL votes (ignore history and declare any records that show you are lying to be irrelevant. Nope no one on YOUR campaign staff was part of the DNC insider elites who voted on this - no way man!) - suddenly pretend to forget how candidates have been selected by democrats for decades (including your husband) and declare the system unfair - when everyone sees through that and it doesn't work make up whole new metrics out of thin air that "should" decide the candidate selection (and don't forget to twist the numbers around about and around about until you find one way they make you the "winner".) - scream repeatedly about disenfranchising voters who voted for you in faux "elections" but do everything possible to disenfranchise voters who actually followed the rules (but remember, only the ones who voted against you) - as it gets more and more impossible for you to win and you get more and more unhinged and start saying grotesquely crazy stuff, blame your opponent for the fact that your ravings actually make the news - stand ready to ride in and save the party should any "unfortunate" event occur like it did in 1968. You're only doing it for the good of the party and people should worship you for the sacrifice you are making! stir - stir - stir - stir up FUD, then stir-stir stir some more until the diced democrats pie is ready and then incredibly elderly republican president will be served for dessert!
Ha! The joke is on you, Fafnir, since pill bugs are vegetarians!
And don't go tryin' to say giant pill bugs are different or anything 'cuz they're not! And since they're vegetarians, and since they are found in compost heaps, I'm blamin' the hippies!
Dinosaurs? Sweet.
Are they Republican dinosaurs? You know, like John McCain only they have all their own teeth?
I'm still down here in the cellar with Crazy Templar Guy. When you gonna let us out, fafnir?
Love, Miss Terry
If pill bugs are vegetarians, how come they devour Democratic candidates and voters and votes?
If pill bugs aren't political forces, how come they call 'em "Rolly-Polly's"? Keep your eyes on the sideshows in the center ring, folks. Pay no attention to that dinosaur behind the curtain on the far right! .
I took this all very seriously until I got to the part about robot ponies.
Seriously - What's their motivation? And more importantly - Do robot ponies dream?
Do giant pill bugs eat only vegans then?
And who ground up the pixies to get the magic dust? The dinosaurs? Where do the super delegates come in? This primary season is so confusing....
Susan let us not forget, Cry lile it's 2 AM and you're already fed up with everything ad can't take any more s*it tonight. See you can sleep comfortably in your KKK PJ's
Oo. Uncle Al forgot to take his ginat pill bugs and now he's El Senor Crankypantalones. Just sayin'...
Even more important robot pony questions:
Do robot ponies know or care about Asimov's three laws? Are robot ponies even capable of caring? Do robot ponies have anything to do with Urbana, Illinois? What might happen if you lied to a robot pony?
You have obviously been bitten by a very large rabid pill bug and now you are delirious with mad pill bug disease. You silly Fafnir, politics are for KIDS!
Do giant pill bugs eat only vegans then?
Ah, your insidious framing attempts to obscure the facts:(from ) "Food: characterized as scavengers, eating both dead and live plant and animal debris." Those pill bugs would eat us all, given a chance. Those pill bugs are effectivly pro-terrorism, and thus, pro Obama.
"And that's when the dinosaurs attack."
I smell a movie option. Saturday night Sci Fi Channel Original, here we come!
we are gentle and innocent creatures who need truth and righteousness, but since mike gravel dropped out of the race and giblets won't run, and then hillary gave us sugar cubes and apples, we're sticking with hillary all the way.
Fafblog, Fafblog!
The terrorists won! Oh noes! And now they're attacking with their giant killer bees!
Well, I must say that this is taking on the characteristics of an alternate reality. If Fafblog [heart]s a candidate, the candidate must be so far outside the mainstream that said candidate will certainly not get a major party nomination, right? So, what gives? Freak space/time wormhole? Glitch in the Matrix? Whoever is dreaming us had too much rich food recently?
OMG the pill bugs got behind the couch and ate all the Democrats except Joe Lieberman and now he's like "All your bases are mine".
the candidate must be so far outside the mainstream that said candidate will certainly not get a major party nomination,
mainstream....I do not think that word means what you think it means. .
Giant pill bug ate my terrier... not complaining though. Has better breath and doesn't hump everything that comes through the front door.
Why can't the stupid drug companies make a giant pill bug that's as easy to swallow as you are when the giant pill bug swallows you? They are so stupid that they covered them in gelatin, which actually makes them harder to swallow than ever!
There is some good news, though -- wiggly jiggly gelatin covered giant pill bugs are pretty dang hilarious -- just the kind of thing you could make a short video of, throw a 'Yackety Sax' soundrack on, and viola! Instant YouTube celebrity (provided you can outrun a jigglewiggly giant pill bug's top waddle speed).
Given that a Puerto Rican delegate is probably statistically more likely to be named "Jesus" than one from any other territory or state, I'm going for a combination of the Jesus one and the Puerto Rico x 10,000 one.
You mean Jesus is 10,000 times bigger than Puerto Rico, or Puerto Rico is 10,000 times bigger than Jesus?
This is all completely wrong. It's not the pill bugs, which just mind their own business and produce all the Viagra and other boner pills that keep this civilization functioning. The Florida delegation sent a GIANT FLYING GODDAMN COCKROACH to take poor Mr. Obama out, because there are like seventy trillion GIANT FLYING COCKROACHES per cubic foot there. The Michigan delegation, not to be outdone, sent GIANT FLYING DISEASED BLOODSUCKING MOSQUITOES, which are just as nasty but in a delightfully different way.
Of course, they did try to send their most disgusting and annoying vermin, but the DMV employees had the day off so they had to compromise.
Michigan has in reserve: a plethora of leeches.
But then Florida's got killer bees and all sorts of other things. So more verminfight to come!
Will you people stop using the innocent insects of the world as surrogates in your internecine wars.We just run around eating your wires and suddenly you're all "oh giant flying cockroaches are, like, rilly eeeew"
Yeah we ate someone and some diseases are traceable to us. Deal with it.
> How does any of this lead to Giblets becoming President? -dls Through the insidious machinations of the Ethanol Lobby, Corn Becomes King, and, as his first royal act, makes Giblets President. Like DUHH. Does everything need to be spelt out for you? .===================================
> Make that: The incompetent fascists and whole-hearted corporate stooges against the competent fascists and dilettante corporate stooges. Choose wisely!
Unless you're in Wisconsin, in which case you should Cheese wisely. Remember, cheese accidents are way up this year, and we need to all work together to bring down the head cheese.
> There really are robot ponies; check this out!
Ar we sure this wasn't a typo? Perhaps it was robot peonies?
> The Florida delegation sent a GIANT FLYING GODDAMN COCKROACH to take poor Mr. Obama out, because there are like seventy trillion GIANT FLYING COCKROACHES per cubic foot there.
Actually, no. We shipped all these off to France twenty years ago. (This explains their Iraq policy, rather obviously). There are no more cockroaches in Florida. Well, outside of the Democratic strongholds, anyway. After we sent them all to France, some sub-genius econitwit decided that they were an endangered species, and they started collecting them from around the USA in special enclaves, with names like "Miami-Dade", and "Broward". But, for the most part, avoid those areas and you are safe from the Giant Flying Goddamn Cockroaches.
Finally, in the far reaches of these wild internets, I heard a rumor - Fafblog was back.
Oh, thank you for returning. I have felt like a wanderer, lost with no freaking hope of an oasis.
As Kucinich's 35 articles of impeachment go to committee to die, a desperate public cries out for a taste of the cold, logical, irrefutable mind of the Medium Lobster. When will the mighty mentat of the crustacean world explain to us why it's perfectly sensible and reasonable to allow the crimes of the Bush administration to go unpunished?
What about me? I'll still be around after the terrists get unleash their suitcase nukes 'cos the DFHs wouldn't let John Yoo crush kid's testicles. I'll just me, the rest of my Rust Belt eating buddies and Keith Richards kickin' back, gettin' it on with radioactive zombie chicks and gettin' baked on your glowing ashes. So screw you and your wimpy little pill bugs buddy!
Enough with the odd ass cities!
I wanna know why Cindy McCain keeps stealing cookie recipes and calling them her own! What, stealing Percocet and Vicodin then trying to frame her employees for it wasn't bad enough?
I wanna know why Cindy McCain keeps stealing cookie recipes and calling them her own!
She misplaced the recipe for Chocolate cake with Oxycontin frosting?
If ever there was a time (since there is no pie on this summer solstice night) for a Fannie Farmer (Mrs.) recipe for chocolate or anything cookies, this is it.
We're hungry and too hot to cook ourselves. Even a lobster would understand this predicament. Or maybe a catchy tune would suffice...
Here's my audacious hope: Fafblog spends equal time ripping Obama a new poopie hole for his coming out in support of the perfectly awful, constitution-ripping Cheney/Rockefeller/Hoyer House FISA bill yesterday. That was so not awesome!
Even the Jesus option isn't going to work now unless he smites a certain someone. Or the devil does and even then who knows? Maybe they nominate McCain too in the name of bipartisanship.
Then McCain could debate himself on the issues like CO2 and immigration and the partisans of each McCain would not even notice he's actually the same guy and would vote for their McCain and on election night everyone would be happy happy happy. Well everyone except a few million oddballs who don't count anyway.
I know I'm a few months late with this, but welcome back, Fafblog! We missed you. Oooh... a Giblets! Yummy!
Fafblog is not back. Fafblog is at best a little sideways. —These days I find myself unable to shake the suspicion that it's all front.
Dear Sir,
I call for an end to fafblog's Internet tradition of teasing us with sporadic posts. -Harold J. Harumphington IV Little Woody on the Wold (The Larches)
Well, outside of the Democratic strongholds, anyway. After we sent them all to France, some sub-genius econitwit decided that they were an endangered species, and they started collecting them from around the USA in special enclaves, with names like "Miami-Dade", and "Broward". But, for the most part, avoid those areas and you are safe from the Giant Flying Goddamn Cockroaches.
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