Monday, March 7, 2005

Sorry we’ve been away for a while. We’ve been workin on our brand new pilot for ABC, Spelling, about a brilliant spelling bee champion who solves crimes with the power of spelling! Here’s a sample.

"Oh no, a crime!"
"Maybe we can solve it – with spelling!"
"Applesauce. A-P-P-L-E-S-A-U-C-E. Applesauce."

"So, you are the American dog who spells for the Great Satan, eh? Well, now you will spell for the jihad!"

"We’ll never disarm this bomb in time! It’s impossible!"
"You can't spell 'impossible' without 'possible'! Let's go, team!"
"Australopithecine. A-U-S-T-R-A..."

I got a good feelin about this one. Keep your fingers crossed!
posted by fafnir at 6:18 PM



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