Monday, July 26, 2004
"...six cans of raw tuna... mmph hmmph schmh... seven cans of raw tuna..."
"Follow that car!" "That car is a squirrel." "Follow that squirrel!" "That squirrel is a rock." "Follow that rock!" "We're standing on it. We're standing on the rock." "...eighteen cans of raw tuna... errrmph.... mmerrmph... guh... nineteen cans of raw tuna... unnnfff... guunnfh..." "Very clever, Mister Fafnir. But can you escape this very, very slow-moving laser while you are loosely tied to this wobbly table and I explain via monitor my evil plan for world domination? Mwa-hahahaha..." KA-BOOOOOOOM! "Wow... that's a cool sound effect!" "Yeah, I've got like a million of those." KA-BOOOOOOOM! "Man I could just sit around playin the Kaboom effect forever!" KA-BOOOOOOOM! "Try the tap-dancing cow." tappity-tappity-mmMMOOOOO-tappity-tappity "...twenty-three cans... urrggh... of raw tuna... unnnffh... urrrrmff... urrrgle... aw, crud."
posted by fafnir at 6:32 PM